What is
the first thing you think of when you hear that word? Really think. Not just “oh,
spiders and snakes” “bad weather” “car wrecks” … no, what is your actual fear
in life? My fear is myself. It always has been, but the reasons continue to change.
I have
been wanting to write this post for a few weeks but I couldn’t get my thoughts
together enough to even try to begin. And honestly, my thoughts are still
probably a little scattered because this is a topic I have a lot of heart for
and want to make sense. Hopefully it turns out that way.
favorite author (at the moment, at least) is Jen Sincero. She is a “life and
success coach”, basically just a motivational author/speaker. A lot of the
things that I have learned (and will be on my soap-box about today) have come
from her teachings… truly, her words have helped me so much in life, this being
one so like I said, this is a very touching subject to me. She explains how
most people live in an illusion of what their life should* be instead of what
they want it to be based on someone else’s beliefs, or “beliefs” that were
drilled into your head growing up. Our subconscious mind locks that information
in and runs our life based solely off that, yet we don’t think anything about
it because it is what we have grown to know. In order to get your life on the
track that YOU want it to be, you have to start with yourself. Jen explains how
in the “self-help” world your “ego” is used to refer to your false-self, or the
self that is holding you back from the things you want in life. All in all, you*
are your own fear whether you see it or not.
“Our thoughts become our words, our words
become our beliefs, our beliefs become our actions, out actions become our
life you dream about isn’t as far as it seems, it’s just an excuse to stay in
your comfort zone. Trust me, this is something I still won’t move from or grasp,
but it truly makes sense. We, and I do say WE because I know I’m not the only
one that does this, focus on things we believe are true about ourselves: I can’t
do this, I’m bad at that, I won’t be able to do this, I know* that’s not
possible. If all of these are “true” or you “know” defines you, cool, enjoy the
life you created in a bubble instead of celebrating how amazing you are, that
you can do anything- achieve anything, and actually live the dreams you’ve
fantasied about. That is the fear I fear the most about myself; I have drilled
into my head that I won’t be able to do certain things because I’m not good
enough or there are others who will do it better or just that it's not realistic so I’m just going to settle or be stuck doing the same things the rest of my life. That is not the case
whatsoever, but there will always be that self-doubt in everyone’s head of
their own hate*. I’ve always been the type that is too hard on myself, I expect
too much from myself, or believe* that everything about me isn’t worth it… some
have come from myself, some have come from my past, but overall that is how I have
always seen myself. I am an OCD perfectionist with every detail of my life, but
I am learning to love myself more than I love anything. We all stay believing
these things we have gotten used to telling ourselves or hearing* when it’s
just our fear of change or success in ourselves. Get your ego (false-self) out
of the way and be the person YOU want to be and do the things that YOU want to
do… what you do or say is your responsibility, not how others take it. If you
want to create a new self, do it, if people judge/leave, screw ‘em… true colors
always show but true people always stay. I know it’s hard to solely think of
yourself sometimes, but trust me, it’s worth it… mainly everyone looks out for
themselves anyways, so do what you have to do for you instead of pleasing
others just because they are there for the moment. Life goes on. Yes, a lot of
people will want to look out for you and want what’s best for you in THEIR eyes,
but this is YOUR life… it’s time to make your own choices: win or lose.
“Going into the world and trying, yet still
deep-down believing that you are ruled by your past is like forgiving someone
but still hoping they sit in something wet.”
Procrastinating is something
we all do, even when we try our best to stay focused, we are still somehow
procrastinating something. And even if you don’t realize it, procrastination
can be a fear inside yourself… we put off the things that we want to achieve in
life, again, because we make excuses or tell ourselves it’s not something we
can reach. Maybe you are reading this and thinking, “goodness, Macy Jo, shut
upppp, my life is just the way I want it and I’m not scared of anything
especially myself”… okay, that’s completely fine, congratulations… but I know I’m
not the only one who struggles with this type of self-fear. I am a DREA - MER, always have been, there are
things I want to do so badly in life or be so badly in life but I always put it
off because I’m scared of failure or outside reactions. Why? I don’t know. I
used to be so care-free and go-getting, but randomly from around Christmas break to
now that has somewhat flipped. Like I mentioned in my last post, I am helping
myself back up to stand on both feet and learning to love myself again and be
that care-free, strong, independent and go-getting self but sometimes it isn’t
always as easy to keep up as it seems. It’s just like working-out… you have to
keep up with the routine and adding weights/miles each time you go until you
reach your goal (then of course continue to strive for a new goal and start
work again). When it comes to fear in yourself, Jen suggests to write down all
of your self-hating-self-stories as she calls them, that you truly believe
about yourself and become aware of them, then reverse them and become aware of
the new stories. Her example, not mine (lol): “I can’t meet a man because there
aren’t any good ones left” becomes “The world is filled with awesome, loving
men, and I am fully capable of and so excited to find me a good one”. Trust me,
that is not one of my self-stories, you all know my thoughts on that. For my
example I would say: “I can’t do this certain thing because it is too
far-fetched and I’m not as good for it as someone else could be” turns into “I
am so excited to prove to myself and others that I can achieve this because I
will be amazing at it”. Though I still don't believe it at this moment, the more I drill that into my subconscious mind, the more true it will become in my world and things will begin to change. I had a professor my freshman year, the one that made me change my major and that I looked up to for such a long time (and still do), told us that her house is full of positive sticky notes to remind herself that she is worth it and remind her of the goals she has set out to keep believing that she can do them instead of putting them off. They would be on the fridge, on a mirror, on a doorknob, on a random stair step, even on the dog's bag of food (which I thought was hilarious) anywhere that she would touch or pass daily in order to continue reading the same words, drilling them into her mind. Once she has accomplished one of the goal sticky notes, she removes it and puts them in a jar to show that she is capable. I always thought that was so amazing and wish I could do it, I just never tried... maybe I should.
whether you feel the fear in yourself or are now starting to see it in your own
versions, I first want to tell you that you are an amazing and beautifully made
person who can do anything you want and be whoever you want with ease. Set your
mind on the positives in your life and block out the negative vibes around you
along with the fear inside you. But I also want to challenge you to make that
list of self-stories that you believe are true: why are they true to you, what
can change them, how can you change them. This will take time but it really
puts things into perspective. Next, make another list of things you want to be
your “self-love-self-stories”. Be creative, be open, it can be absolutely anything
that you’ve wanted or might want: what are they, how can you reach them, why
haven’t you reached them or what’s holding you back. Don’t fear yourself or
change or success or opinions/rejections… be confident in who you are and love
believe in you, just like I am starting to believe in myself, just like you should believe in